What a fantastic day had by all! We were completely blown away by the detail and effort that everyone had put in for World Book Day – Dress as a word. The children were so excited about each others costumes and words. We enjoyed playing Guess The Book Title, making bookmarks and writing our own stories.
Thank you for your continued support.

Over the next two weeks we will be taking part in the Sustrans – Big Wheel and Walk events.
The challenge runs from 11-22 March 2024. It’s free to take part and we would love everyone to be involved.
What do you need to do?
Encourage your child(ren) to walk, use a wheelchair, scoot or cycle to school on as many days as possible during the event.
We will be taking a tally of how we all get to school daily and the class with highest number of children walking or ‘wheeling’ to school will win a prize!
Please help us raise the importance of being active and healthy where we can. Thank you.