Welcome back! We have enjoyed hearing all about the children’s adventures over the Half Term break.
Over the last three weeks we have been learning about growing. Skipper class have had great fun planting Sunflowers, Cress, Carrot, Wild flowers, Runner beans, Dahlias, Lettuce and strawberry seeds! They have been waiting and watching patiently for them to shoot!
We have learnt the vocabulary- root, stem, petal, seed, soil, compost, shoot and germination.

Thank you to everyone who came to our Stay and Create session. It was lovely to see the children showing you around their classroom and demonstrate the skills they’ve been learning last half term In our Art sessions.
We are very appreciative of your time and hope you all enjoyed it.

In Literacy we have been focusing on the book called The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle.
The children have demonstrated some fantastic writing skills when writing instructions on how to plant a seed? and Top Tips on how to care for plants? Skipper class are now experts in planting!
In our Literacy sessions we are now focusing on capital letters, finger spaces between words, and full stops. This will enable them to be able to read back what they have written.
Dates for your diary…
Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday – School closed
Wednesday 15th May – Foundation weight and height check – School Nursing Team