This week we have been looking at the book ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ by Maurice sendak.
To immerse the children into this story on Tuesday the children found some evidence that some kind of creature had been in our classroom! See all the evidence below in our photos!

On Thursday we made funny expressions with our faces and used our bodies to show anger, bossiness and excitement in the role of The Wild Things. We also thought about what we would do and say if we were the king of The Wild Things!
We have finished the week with role-playing ‘The Wild Rumpus’ . The children loved this. I wonder if your child can tell you anything about the characters Max and Sam?
In Maths we have been looking at the number 5. We have looked at various ways we can represent the number 5 and what number pairs make 5. The children remembered tally marks, 5 frames, 10 frames, Numicon, the use of pictures and our fingers plus the part-part whole model. We have been challenging children to find number pairs to make the number 5 this week. (Number pairs are two number you can add together to make another number e.g 3 and 2 make 5, 5 and 0 make 5)
This week in Phonics we have learnt the new digraphs ss, ff, ll and the phoneme j . (Digraph – two letters that make one sound)
Thank you for continuing to support your child at home with their phonics learning – Here is this week’s video – have fun.
It’s wonderful to see so many families signed up for parents evenings starting next week ( 6.11.23). We look forward to seeing you all and sharing the wonderful things your children have been learning. If you are yet to book a slot, we have lots of slots available on Wednesday 8th November 2023 and we would love to see you all.