To go alongside our current learning around the book The Magic Paintbrush, we have been looking at patterns. We have looked at patterns in nature and our daily lives. The children have then explored patterns using a variety of objects. They have used the language of repetition, repeat, copy, start, before and next to talk about what a pattern is.
This learning will support us as we start to look at the repetition of lines and shapes that we see in the dragon costumes that are worn to celebrate Chinese New Year. We hope to make our own class dragon costume too at the end of half term! Skipper class are very excited about this! We can’t wait to show you our creation!

In Literacy we have reenacted the party scene from the The Magic Paintbrush book. The children had so much fun! They danced, ate moon shaped cookies and danced some more!
We then wrote our own thank you notes on scrolls of red paper just like Shen in the book. We have also had fun sequencing the story and making our dragons out of play dough! We then wrote labels to identify their different features!

This week in Phonics we have learnt oo, oo, ar, and or. Have fun with our video below.
Please continue to use your child’s Letters and Sounds book to support their learning.
Dates for your Diary…
Wednesday 15th January – Stay and do Phonics
2.40pm – Grayling
2.50pm – Meadow
3.00pm – SKipper