This week in photos…
Skipper have loved exploring odd and even numbers and different ways to work out whats odd and even. We have been enjoying recording sentences and building structures outside.

Sports afternoon!
Please join us for our Foundation Sports Afternoon on Friday 28th June at 1.30pm.
You will need to enter the school field via Gallows Down Lane and will be seated on the playground overlooking the children who will race on the field.
Please ensure your child has sunscreen applied in the morning, a sun hat and water bottle. The children will have a drinks station under a gazebo to help with the potential hot weather. In the event of rain, you will be informed as soon as possible if we need to reschedule. Please send your child to school in their PE kit.
The afternoon will last for approx 1 hour. After the event, please exit via Gallows Down Lane. Children will exit school via the Foundation gate at their usual home times.
Hot Weather…
As the summer has finally arrived, please make sure your child has a hat and water bottle in school each
day and you apply a long lasting sun cream in the morning. In Foundation a lot of children choose to take their learning outside for the majority of the day.
Dates for your diary….
Wednesday 26th June …. Foundation stay and listen to the Little Red Hen.
Friday 28th June… Foundation sports day 1.30pm Start – see above for details
Thursday 4th July – Transfer day – On this day your child will be spending some time in their new classroom alongside their new teacher and TAs as part of their transition into Year 1.